Fashion Revolution Week 2021

This week we are proud to support Fashion Revolution Week - 19-25 April. Join the digital conversation for more information @

Fashion Revolution Week is the time when people can come together as a global community to create a better fashion industry. It centres around the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which killed 1,138 people and injured many more on 24 April 2013. Rana Plaza was a garment factory in Bangladesh consisting of women, men & children making cheap clothes for the western world. There was no health & safety within the factory which itself was built on unsuitable swampy grounds. Fashion Revolution was born out of this tragic situation as the world’s largest global fashion movement. This year, marking 8 years since the tragedy, Fashion Revolution Week will focus on the interconnectedness of human rights and the rights of nature.

As we are all the wearers of clothes, we have the responsibility to make a change. From the human & environmental exploitation to a culture of transparency and accountability. There are many ways to get involved. Join in by downloading the digital campaign and find ways to challenge the system. It’s really quite simple - we want to know who makes our clothes and who provides the fabric.

Fashion Revolution is calling upon citizens everywhere to demand greater transparency from brands by asking #WhoMadeMyClothes? And this year more specifically #WhoMadeMyFabric? They are also calling for producers to shout #IMadeYourFabric, so everyone can connect more closely with the people who produce the fabrics and raw materials we wear.

So join Conscious Closet to make sure you know where your clothes are from. Be part of the story and see how you can get involved.

Sarah and Lisa xx




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