A Conscious Cleanse for January
What is it about January that makes us feel like we all need a good clear out?
The start of a new year? New beginnings? The “new you”?
Whatever it is, it’s not just a clearout of the immense amount of stuff we all collect over the years, but also a cleansing of the mind. Often, it’s hard to let go of things but the feeling you get when you actually do is certainly a positive one. This is so true when you finally get round to that space in your bedroom. Yes, that one......“the wardrobe” ……!
January cleanse
Your wardrobe annoyingly messy?
Maybe a scary thought to tackle those bundles of clothing thrown in the back or hidden out of sight, to admit you will never get in to that size you wore as a teenager, and to cut ties with the dress that won the heart of your handsome ex. But fear not fashion friends, we are here to help you! The task that may seem like a hard climb up the fashion mountain will definitely leave you feeling accomplished, satisfied, and a better pulled together version of yourself. And what we all need to make sure of, is that we get the most out of our wardrobes with little or no waste.
So where to start?
Some people like to embark on this chore alone but why not join forces with a good friend and help tidy each other's wardrobes together? This way you can get another perspective on those pieces in your wardrobe that you are just not sure about. You can also put some music on, have a glass of something fizzy and have fun with it!
Firstly, we advise not to take everything out of your wardrobe all at once. It’s far too messy and overwhelming. It's crucial at this stage that you are honest with yourself. It would be better in someone else's wardrobe and worn as intended rather than gathering dust in yours. It will also mean more space for your loved clothes and maybe a few new treats.
Wardrobe envy!
We may not all have a huge space like this but we can all have an organised space for true January cleansing
Then try to follow these simple rules......
Take your clothing out in sections - skirts, then trousers, tops etc etc.
Sort each section individually and make 4 separate piles for each section
1. Keep – you wear all the time
2. Charity – never wear, cannot fit in, or no longer suits you
3. Repair – would wear if tweaked
4. Not sure or an emotional attachment
There are always items beyond repair but we don't like to advocate throwing away so think about those items that are not good enough for charity and what you can use them for? Old t-shirts cut up as cleaning cloths for example. As a last resort put them in a textile recycle bin and never in general waste.
For clothes that you are keeping - hang back in your wardrobe in their categories - all skirts together etc, etc. If you are as strict as Conscious Closet HQ we even hang in length and colour!
This will also look much neater if you invest in some good hangers. We favour the velvet ones for keeping your clothes hung well and not taking up much room. Those not in season pack away until the right time to wear. Vacuum packed storage is great for this as saves space.
When you have finished each section, you can then embark on the "not sure" pile. We suggest that you try on these pieces together with different tops and bottoms to see how many comfortable outfits you can make with them. If you are finding this tricky it’s best to let go. We want our clothes to have multiple ways of wearing them so that they have longevity.
Those sentimental items you keep purely for the love – dedicate a space for them to shine as beacons of adornment! Hang on the wall, place in a priority spot in the cupboard, or fold in a memory box to sigh over when reminiscing. There is a lot to be said of clothes and accessories that just make you happy to look at (as long as you don’t have lots!)
Beautiful shoes you can no longer walk in?
Keep the best pair as an ornament!
Finally pack up the clothes you are donating and decide their final resting place. Of course, clothes swap events like our Swish parties are great opportunities to give another person happiness with clothes you no longer wear, and swap for something you will wear a lot more. We will be holding a few more this year.
A favourite charity is a good chance to raise needed money for the cause, and if you have patience a selling site like Ebay or Vinted can be a good income if successful. Don’t forget we are also adding the pre-loved sales section to our Swish events – and will be taking new stock in for this during March. A great chance for you to earn from your premium clothes that are no longer needed.
And what if you have clothes that are no longer on trend but you love? Well, it's time to adapt the item and make it up to date. Get it altered, shortened, embellished, dyed another colour, worn in a new way. The fun part of this is that you can take inspiration from magazines and all the social media influencers and make it your own. Check out our social posts for ideas we are using to refresh our wardrobes this year!
Make friends with a tailor!
They are crucial in making your clothes perfect for you.
So, let's face 2022 with a refreshed wardrobe and renewed passion for our own style.
If you are concerned or do not have the time – simply contact us for a wardrobe edit and styling session! At Conscious Closet we are aware of the immense task this is for some people and we are here to help - making the sessions fun and giving lots of support to feel confident in what you wear.
And don’t forget to save some of your clothes for our Swishing Clothes Swap events where
you can shop for free and have fun whilst doing it!
Follow us @consciouscloset.uk to check Swish event dates xx