Sustainability in Fashion

The UK consumes more new clothing than any other European country. We are literally fashion crazy. However every year £140m worth of clothes are sent to landfill in this country, with the UK fashion business creating 1m tonnes of waste each year-making it a bigger source of carbon emissions than the aviation and shipping industries combined. Wow!

Sustainability in fashion is complicated. Whilst the actual materials are important there are a plethora of other issues that surround the fashion industry, from the chemicals that go in to our clothes that effects the environment, to who made our clothes and how they are treated throughout the supply chain.

The Covid - 19 crisis has led major brands and retailers to shut shop and cancel all their orders without taking responsibility for the workers in their supply chains. We all know that fast fashion is hurting the environment, churning out endless waste in the name of “NEW” clothes every season. 

The question is, what does the average person, like you and me do about it?

Surely it’s the government’s responsibility to take action? Back in 2019 an influential group of MP’s called for a penny tax on new clothes in a bid to tackle consumer waste within the fashion industry by introducing better recycling methods. Ministers rejected the proposal and it makes you wonder if it would have been enough to slow down the fast fashion model anyway.

What the industry needs is a massive shake up and since the pandemic took hold of the world there has been a seismic shift in the collective thinking of the consumer, and a whole generation who now strive for a better future. Retailers are being forced to take more responsibility for the environmental consequences of their fast fashion clothes. As long as we continue to demand it in the choices we make with our own purchases.

“Fashion shouldn’t cost the earth” said Mary Creagh, The labour MP for the Environmental Audit Committee. She added: “our insatiable appetite for clothes comes with a huge social and environmental price tag.”

At Conscious Closet we know how hard it is to look and feel your best without the urge to always rush out and buy yourself something new and we have also realised just how much we already have - especially when it comes to our wardrobes. We are going to take a slower approach in 2021 and address our shopping habits. The good news is there are so many ways to find new outfits and remain stylish. So be sure to stay tuned as we bring you updates on how to adopt new ways to stay on trend. Every little bit we do really does help the bigger picture. Watch this space for tips on how we can help you achieve these small changes.

Lisa xx


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